00:00, Best of FOG Live! Roger Randel, www.FOGchurch.com

01:00, 5 Minutes with Jesus, Roger Randel, Sr., www.RandelMinistries.com

01:04,  Grandsmatter, www.GrandsMatter.org

01:05,  Laugh Again (5 Min), Phil Callaway, www.LaughAgain.US

02:00, Voice of Faith Radio Broadcast, Max Manning www.Global-Missions.com

02:30, Message From Mark, Roger Randel, www.RandelMinistries.com

02:45,  Family Minute, Mark Merrill, www.FamilyMinutecom

02:46,  This Is Today, www.ThisIsToday.com

02:48,  Holy Land Moments, Yechiel Eckstein, www.HolyLandMoments.org

02:50,  Laugh Again (1 Min), Phil Callaway, www.LaughAgain.US

02:51,  Heartbeat, Salvation Army, www.SalvationArmyUSA.org

02:52,  Truth Matters, Cheryl Davis, www.ProjectTruthMatters.com

03:00,  Sheep Laughs Comedy, Fred Passmore, www.SheepLaughsComedyShow.com

04:00, Voice of One Witness Radio Broadcast, Byllie Brim, www.BillyeBrim.org

04:15, Moore Life Now, Keith Moore, www.MooreLife.org

04:30, Believer’s Voice of Victory, Kenneth Copeland, www.KCM.org

04:59, Legal Edge, Pacific Justice Insitute, www.PacificJustice.org

05:00, Mark Hankins Ministries, www.MarkHankins.org

​​​​​​​05:15, 15 Minutes In The Word, Joyce Meyer, www.JoyceMeyer.org

05:30, Breakthrough, Rod Parsley, www.RodParsley.com

06:00,  Gaither Homecoming Radio, www.HomeComingRadio.com

06:30,  Fastened Like Nails, www.FastenedLikeNails.net

06:32 Lamplighter Theatre, www.LampLighter.net

07:00,  Ride w/ Roger Show, Roger Randel

07:30,  Heartbeat, Salvation Army, www.SalvationArmyUSA.org

08:00, 5 Minutes with Jesus, Roger Randel, Sr., www.RandelMinistries.com

08:04,  Grandkids Matter, www.GrandsMatter.org

08:05,  Laugh Again (5 Min), Phil Callaway, www.LaughAgain.US

08:30,  15 Minutes In The Word, Joyce Meyer, www.Joyce Meyer.org

08:32,  Friday, Kansans For Life Segment, Jeanne Gawdun, www.KFL.org

09:00,  Monday, Faith Teaching, George Bardsley

            Tuesday, URR Prayer Time 

            Wednesday, Revival Life Radio Broadcast, Josh Radford, www.RevivalLife.net

            Friday, Speak The Word, JoAnn Ramsay, www.PastorJoRamsay.com

10:00,  Voice of Faith Radio Broadcast, Max Manning www.Global-Missions.com

10:30,  Message From Mark, Roger Randel, www.RandelMinistries.com

10:45,  Family Minute, Mark Merrill, www.FamilyMinute.com

10:46,  This Is Today, www.TodayDevotional.com

10:48,  Holy Land Moments, Yechiel Eckstein, www.HolyLandMoments.org

10:50,  Laugh Again (1 Min), Phil Callaway, www.LaughAgain.US 

10:51,  Heartbeat, Salvation Army, www.SalvationArmyUSA.org

10:52,  Truth Matters, Cheryl Davie www.ProjectTruthMatters.com

11:00, Voice of One Witness Radio Broadcast, Byllie Brim, www.BillyeBrim.org

11:15, Moore Life Now, Keith Moore, www.MooreLife.org

11:30, Believer’s Voice of Victory, Kenneth Copeland, www.KCM.org

11:59, Legal Edge, Pacific Justice Institute, www.PacificJustice.org

​​​​​​​12:00,  Monday, Voice of Revival Radio Broadcast, Chad MacDonald



            Wednesday, Lawrence Christian Center, Dan Nicholson

            Thursday, Bible Truths For Everyday Living, Sarah Griggs



13:00,  Mark Hankins Ministries, www.MarkHankins.org 

​​​​​​​13:15, 15 Minutes In The Word, Joyce Meyer, www.JoyceMeyer.org

13:30, Breakthrough, Rod Parsley, www.RodParsley.com

14:00,  Best of FOG Live! Roger Randel, www.FOGchurch.com

15:00,  Sheep Laughs Comedy, Fred Passmore, www.SheepLaughsComedyShow.com

16:00, 5 Minutes with Jesus, Roger Randel, Sr., www.RandelMinistries.com

16:04,  Grandsmatter, www.GrandsMatter.org

16:05,  Laugh Again (5 Min), Phil Callaway, www.LaughAgain.US

16:10,  The Drive, with Rev. Rick


20:00   THE 80'S @ 8

21:00,  Gaither Homecoming Radio, www.HomeComingRadio.com

21:30,  Lamplighter Theatre, www.LampLighter.net

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​22:00,  Friday, Rock The Flock with Ang


00:00,    Gospel Blues Hour, Brother Rick, Facebook: The Gospel Blues Hour

01:00,    Revival Radio TV, Dr. Gene Bailey, www.RevivalRadioTV.com

02:00,    Gaither Homecoming Radio, www.HomeComingRadio.com

03:00,    Bless Israel, Rabbi Eckstein, www.IFCJ.org

03:56,    This Is Today, www.ThisIsToday.com

04:00,    Faith of A Scienctist, Dr James Tour, www.jmtour.com

04:02,    The Dacus Report, Brad Dacus, www.PacificJustuce.org

04:30,    Believer’s Voice of Victory, Kenneth Copeland, www.KCM.org

05:30,    15 Minutes In The Word, Joyce Meyer, www.JoyceMeyer.org

08:00,    Kid’s Corner, www.KidsCorner.net

08:30,    Lamplighter Theatre, www.LampLighter.net

09:00,    Divine Intervention, Daniel Fazzina, www.DivineInterventionRadio.com

10:00,    Wekend Praise (Praise & Worship Music)

10:30,    Sunday, AM FOG Live!, www.FOGchurch.com

11:00,    Saturday, REFRESH, Greg Laurie, www.Harvest.org

12:30     15 Minutes In The Word, Joyce Meyer, www.JoyceMeyer.org

13:00,    Revival Radio TV, Dr. Gene Bailey, www.RevivalRadioTV.com

14:00,    Street of Gold, Lisa Scott, www.StreetsOfGold.com

16:00,    Faith of A Scientist, Dr James Tour, www.jmtour.com

16:02,    The Dacus Report, Brad Dacus, www.PacificJustuce.org

16:30,    Believer’s Voice of Victory, Kenneth Copeland, www.KCM.org

17:00,    Gaither Homecoming Radio, Bill Gaither, www.HomeComingRadio.com

18:00,    Kid’s Corner, www.KidsCorner.net

18:30,    Lamplighter Theatre, www.LampLighter.net     


20:00     THE 80'S @ 8

21:00,    ApologetiX With An X, Jerry Q, www.Apologetix.com                

22:00,    Christian Music Rewind, Sean Michaels, www.CMRewind.com            250101​​

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Upper Room Radio Programming